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Mining Scrum: Modeling the Earth One Iteration at a Time

Scrum Tapped for Mining Industry

Mankind has, and always will try to understand its environment. In the last century, radar technology has allowed individuals to track vehicles, ships, planes, and even space shuttles and stars. With advances in sonar, people now have the ability to imagine a journey to space, or explore the mysteries of the sea. With the right scientific equipment, scientists can even witness new life and see it evolve. In the mining industry, the ability to identify and assess the world of solids is paramount.

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An Agile Approach to Retail: A Data-Intrinsic Development Case Study

Agile software development challenges traditional software development approaches. Rapidly changing environments characterized by evolving requirements and tight schedules require software developers to take an agile approach. These methods include practices such as short iterations, frequent releases, simple and emerging design, peer review, and on-site customer participation.

Dinesh  Mohata's picture Dinesh Mohata
What's More Important: Being Agile or Creating Value?

In this video, Jonathan Kohl looks at why and for whom we develop software, what our end users and team members value, and the difference between tools and processes that create value and those that distract from it.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl
Performing the Software: Succeeding at Agile Development

Sometimes, it's helpful to explore how people in other occupations create their products in order for us to better our own. In addition to being an experienced software tester, Chris McMahon has spent time on the road and in the studio as a professional musician. In this article, Chris takes a look at some of the things that make for a successful live concert and compares them to what it takes for an agile team to build software successfully.

Chris McMahon's picture Chris McMahon
project portfolio chart No: Such a Difficult Word

When people begin to get overworked, it's common to fall back on blaming the old chestnut "time management." But the problem may have less to do with how you allocate time to projects than your inability to say no to some of those projects in the first place. In this article, Johanna Rothman takes a look at the difficulty of saying no and offers some suggestions for overcoming it.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Tips and Advice - Continuous Integration

Tips and Advice - Continuous Integration

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
How Agile Practices Reduce Requirements Risks

Requirements risks are among the most insidious risks threatening software projects. Whether it is having unclear requirements, lack of customer involvement in requirements development, or defective requirements, these troubles are a major culprit in projects that go awry. As requirements expert and agile coach Ellen Gottesdiener explains, agile practice can go a long way in mitigating those risks.

Ellen Gottesdiener's picture Ellen Gottesdiener
Agile 2009 - Conference preview with Johanna Rothman

Bob Payne chats with Johanna Rothman about the upcoming Agile 2009 conference.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
pyramid decribing dependency of concerns in software UI Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder

As a user experience design specialist, clients often ask Jeff Patton to make their software "look better," so it can be successful. But when clients focus primarily on aesthetics, they're often addressing the wrong thing. In this column, Jeff takes a look at common user interface (UI) mistakes and the key concerns software development teams should address to build successful UIs.

Jeff Patton's picture Jeff Patton
How Scrum Generates Increased Productivity, Part Three: The Team

An agile team is, of course, made up of a group of people. As such, it's unique in that responsibilities are distributed among multiple parties to successfully deliver a product increment. Just as the entire Scrum team (i.e. the ScrumMaster, Product Owner, and team) must depend upon one another to complete projects, so, too, the development team's members must trust each other to self-organize their way to success.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor


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