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STAREAST 2001: Managing the End Game of a Software Project[presentation] How do you know when a product is ready to ship? QA managers have been faced with this question for many years. |
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Patterns and Automation: The Road to More Effective Testing[presentation] Testers are an organization's most effective defense against shipping embarrassing or even fatal defects. |
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Standards for Test Automation-A Case Study[presentation] Implementing a set of automation standards adopted and followed by the test team will benefit everyone. |
Brian Tervo, Microsoft Corporation
Metrics Collection and Analysis for Web Sites[presentation] To many organizations, the concept of metrics is foreign. Even after taking training on metrics usage, few organizations take advantage of the value metrics can bring. |
Joe Polvino, Element K
The Global Challenge: Quality Assurance for Worldwide Markets[presentation] Many software applications are hosted in worldwide data centers, simultaneously launched with multiple language user interfaces, and continuously upgraded in rolling release cycles. |
Steve Nemzer, VeriTest
Baby Steps-Testing Therapy for Developers[presentation] Learn from a "developer-in-recovery" the strategies for overcoming testing phobia and testing animosity among developers. |
Susan Joslyn, SJ+ Systems Associates, Inc
Testing in the Internet Time-A Case Study[presentation] Testing before eBusiness was tough-and now it is even more difficult! |
Eamonn McGuinness, aimware
Software Test Automation: Planning and Infrastructure for Success[presentation] Automation tools are often viewed as a cure-all that will instantly reduce test cost and effort. |
Bill Boehmer and Bea Patterson, Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.
STAREAST 2001: Measuring the Value of Testing[presentation] How can we make testing more visible and appreciated? Without measurement, we only have opinions. |
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Performance Testing 101[presentation] Organizations are often so eager to "jump in" and use load testing tools that the critical steps necessary to ensure successful performance testing are sometimes overlooked-leading to testing delays and wasted effort. |
David Torrisi, Mercury Interactive
Configuration Management for Testers Working in Web Development Environments[presentation] Configuration management has long been a staple activity for large, traditional software engineering projects but has been markedly absent from most Web development projects. |
Andrea MacIntosh, QA Labs Inc.
Automated Test Results Processing[presentation] This paper introduces techniques used to automate the results analysis process. It examines the analysis of |
Edward Smith, MangoSoft Corporation
Using Commonly Captured Data to Improve Testing Processes[presentation] For a variety of reasons, many test organizations routinely collect data on defects found during testing, |
Dean Lapp, Minitab Inc.
Targeted Software Fault Insertion[presentation] Since the completely random software fault insertion techniques suggested in much of the research literature are not practical for most software products, this paper suggests that a modest targeted software fault insertion effort for a few co |
Paul Houlihan, MangoSoft Corporation
A Senior Manager's Perspective on Software QA and Testing[presentation] Quality assurance (QA) and testing are critical to the success of any software company. However, the senior management team doesn't always understand this and needs to be educated about the world of software QA and testing. |
Paul Lupinacci, Changepoint Corporation