Conference Presentations

Process Improvement: Based on Models, Implemented in Reality

Experience demonstrates that no matter the end product-financial services, insurance, beer, construction, etc.-the foundation for and focus on implementing process improvement remains consistent. Using models as the basis for improving processes makes success more likely; however, no single model has all the right answers. In this presentation, Barbara Ainsworth provides an overview and comparison of popular software process models: Software Engineering Institute's Software CMM® and CMMI®; Project Management Institute’s PMI Common Body of Knowledge; and Quality Assurance Institute's Bodies of Knowledge for Quality Assurance and Testing. See the influence of both the old and new quality masters-Juran, Crosby, Humphrey, and others-and learn from them how to get your process improvement initiative on the right track.

  • An overview of popular software process models
Barbara Ainsworth, ProcessPlusOne
Testing your Web Site for Privacy, Quality, and Accesibility

Today's business world relies heavily on transactions conducted through the web. Because of this, brand image and how a web site is rendered to customers has become increasingly important. A poorly functioning web site poses significant risk for web-based companies. This presentation discusses the challenges involved when testing to ensure the quality of your company's web site and to ensure that the components of the site function properly. With the ever-increasing web complexity, specific tools and processes are required to manage these challenges.

  • Discover ways to ensure that your web site reflects your privacy policy
  • Learn how to manage your web sites's links to ensure that they remain current and unbroken, and ensure that web content is accessible to users
  • Learn about specific tools and processes to test and manage your web site
John Burg, IBM Global Services
Software Test Automation Spring 2003: Mission Made Possible: A Lightweight Test Automation Experience

Using a challenging client engagement as a case study, Rex Black shows you how he and a team of test engineers created an integrated, automated unit, component, and integration testing harness, and a lightweight process for using it. The test harness supported both static and dynamic testing of a product that ran on multiple platforms. The test process allowed system development teams spread across three continents to test their own units before checking them into the code repository, while the capture of the tests provided automated integration testing and component regression going forward. He'll also explain the tools available to build such a testing harness and why his team chose the ones they did.

  • Examine the benefits-and challenges-of implementing an integrated, automated component and integration testing process in a Java/EJB development environment
Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting Services, Inc.
A Formula for Test Automation Success: Finding the Right Mix of Skill Sets and Tools

Not sure what elements to consider now that you're ready to embark on the mission of automating your testing? This session explores the possibilities-the key mix of skill sets, processes, and tools-that can make or break any automation effort. The instructor shows you how to develop an informed set of priorities that can make all the difference in your effort's success, and help you avoid project failure.

  • Create better, more reusable tests to improve efficiency and effectiveness
  • Increase the value and reputation of QA within your organization
  • Establish a closer relationship with developers based on mutual respect
Gerd Weishaar, IBM Rational software
Fault Injection to Stress Test Windows Applications

Testing an application's robustness and tolerance for failures in its natural environment can be difficult or impossible. Developers and testers buy tool suites to simulate load, write programs that fill memory, and create large files on disk, all to determine the behavior of their application under test in a hostile and unpredictable environment. Herbert Thompson describes and demonstrates new, cutting edge methods for simulating stress that are more efficient and reliable than current industry practices. Using Windows Media Player and Winamp as examples, he demonstrates how new methods of fault injection can be used to simulate stress on Windows applications.

  • Runtime fault injection as a testing and assessment tool
  • Cutting edge stress-testing techniques
  • An in-depth case study on runtime fault injection
Herbert Thompson, Security Innovation
Assuring Testable Requirements

One strategy for assuring testable software is to assure testable requirements, i.e., requirements that are clearly and precisely specified and cost-effectively checkable. David Gelperin describes two specification techniques, action contracts and Planguage quality specs, which both support testable requirements. Functionality can be precisely defined with pre- and post-conditions using action contracts. The measurement of non-functional characteristics can be precisely specified with Planguage specs. The techniques will be illustrated with examples and short exercises.

  • An application information architecture that assures testability
  • How to specify functions with action contracts
  • How to specify measures for nonfunctional characteristics
David Gelperin, LiveSpecs Software
Common Requirements Traps - And How to Avoid Them

This article details common requirements traps that teams fall into. Tips to help your team avoid these traps are also included.

Karl Wiegers, Process Impact
The Reality of XP: A Real World Case Study

This article explains what XP Programming is and how implementing it can benefit your team.

Drake Kirkham, Cirrus Systems Corporation
Testing is About Requirements Specification - An Agile View

This article details how to manage your XP Programming project.

Robert Martin, Object Mentor
Judging Use Case Quality

Great test procedures cannot compensate for poor requirements. Good use cases are hard to write. This article details how to develop an effective use case for your project team.

Steve Adolph, WSA Consulting Inc.


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