People & Teams

Conference Presentations

Freshen Up Your Software Testing Skills

As software testers, how do we keep our skills fresh and up-to-date? In our line of work, there is always another build to test, more testing than we have time for, and small training budgets. Selena Delesie explains why skills improvement is critical for both individuals and organizations to succeed, and explores ongoing opportunities for you and your team to learn and practice new test skills. While improving skills requires time and effort, the benefits far outweigh the costs as you expand your career, improve the quality of your work, reduce time-to-delivery, and improve your reputation and your team’s value to the business. Learn some off-the-beaten-path ways you can enhance your skills, and discover the fun and benefits of hands-on learning. Selena demonstrates how crowdsourced and open source projects are excellent learning environments for testers.

Selena Delesie, Delesie Solutions
Embracing Change: Transforming Ideas and Challenges into Opportunities

Why are managers so poor at bringing about change? Why do people often resist and sometimes reject necessary changes? The reality is that people at all levels, from test managers to senior executives, often use flawed practices when trying to implement improvements and necessary changes. Many ignore, trivialize, or fail to act on the human element-the impact of the change on the people affected. Naomi Karten shares practices she has successfully employed to introduce changes and manage improvement efforts, often helping people turn the challenges of change into personal and company successes. In this serious yet lighthearted presentation, Naomi describes the stages many people go through when adjusting to challenging change-from the appearance of a change, to their sometimes-turbulent response, and their ultimate adjustment and acceptance.

Naomi Karten, Karten Associates
Sleeping with the Enemy

Unfortunately, traditional software delivery models are often based on a lack of trust among stakeholders. Because the business doesn't trust developers, testers are asked to provide independent validation. Because developers don't trust testers, everyone wastes a lot of time arguing about whether a problem is in the code or in the tests. And testers-they are taught not to trust anyone! All of this distrust even though we share the same end-goal-delivering a product that satisfies our customers. Gojko Adzic describes why independent testing should be a vestige of the past. He explains how testers engaging with developers and business users gives testers opportunities to accomplish things they cannot do otherwise.

Gojko Adzic, Neuri Ltd.
How to Win Friends and Influence People - and Deliver Quality Software

Since first published, Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People has motivated generations of aspiring leaders to polish up their people skills. Yet imagine the reaction of a typical software quality assurance or test professional opening the book and reading the first principle: Don't criticize, condemn, or complain. "Don't criticize? Isn't that a tester's job!" They turn to the next chapter to find: Give honest and sincere appreciation. "Honest feedback, perhaps, but appreciation with the buggy code we get from the developers?" Concerned, they check out the third chapter: Arouse in the other person an eager want. "Now wait a minute. That sounds like something that would get me called into HR!" It's easy to discount and even parody the lessons from Dale Carnegie's work.

Andy Kaufman, Institute for Leadership Excellence & Development, Inc.
Scrum: The Basics

Too many software projects spend too much time and money delivering too little, too late. Projects drag on for months, either thrashing from the chaos of ever-changing requirements or rigidly rejecting legitimate changes. If they deliver at all, they deliver products with too few features and too many bugs. Customers blame developers for not meeting their commitments. Developers blame customers for not knowing what they want. Dale Emery presents the better way-Scrum-a simple approach for managing complex projects. Scrum succeeds by breaking the development process into monthly or daily-or shorter-delivery cycles. Within every monthly cycle, a Scrum team plans, develops, and delivers new features with high quality and high business value. Every day, the team reports progress and coordinates its work. Scrum builds rapid action-oriented feedback into every step, guiding the team to stay on track.

Dale Emery, DHE
It's the People; It's Always the People

Why do we insist on calling people “resources?” If software projects were a factory, people would be fungible-interchangeable equipment just like desks and computers. Because software development is highly creative work and not a manufacturing factory, we need to manage people as human beings, not as tasks or resources. Johanna Rothman describes how to find and develop the right people for your teams and projects-people who fit your culture, share your values, and will become integral parts of your team. She explores what skills make a team great and how great managers model those skills and reward people who use them to help the project. Find out how to empower your team, including protecting it from bad influences, making sure the team has what it needs, and helping team members learn to be accountable to each other. It's the people working in teams-and not their managers-who make software projects successful.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
You Can Always Get What You Want

Agile, waterfall, iterative, staged, gated, phased-none of it really matters if all you create are a few early "wins", mediocre solutions, and quick fixes. Many organizations twist the time pressure screws so tightly that creative thinking can only be done after work or surreptitiously during the five-minute coffee break or the fifteen-minute lunch at your desk. We often are told that “good enough” software is what the company needs. Although “good enough” is acceptable when the systems we create neither differentiate us from our competitors nor are critical to our mission, why do we waste precious resources creating those kinds of systems? Tim Lister knows that there is hope because many organizations do create superior systems-systems that set them above their competitors and wow their customers. What are these organizations doing to yield innovative, superior results from their software development?

Tim Lister, Atlantic Systems Guild
Redirecting the Doomed Project

It is nearly impossible to work in software development and not end up on a project which one day ends as a death march. These projects are characterized by being extremely overdue, significantly over budget, and, at the same time, critical to company success. Death marches can happen regardless of development methodology because the contributing factors often include dramatic scope change, lack of vision, and unrealistic deadlines-factors that are methodology neutral. Bob Hartman shares his experiences with death march projects and the approaches he has used to redirect them into successful efforts. He focuses on how stakeholders can identify and address underlying problems early in the project. Learn how to lead rather than manage, encourage creativity rather than stifle it, and become successful rather than beaten.

Bob Hartman, Agile For All
Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference West 2010: Seven Deadly Habits of Ineffective Software Managers

Looking for an insightful-and humorous-review of the management disasters you may have witnessed during your professional software career? Ken Whitaker has collected seven of the most common disasters that he’s encountered in his lifetime of “in the trenches” software leadership roles. One of the habits everyone should appreciate is “Hiring Someone Who is Not Quite Qualified (but Who is Liked by Everyone).” Presented as a series of case studies, Ken explores these all-too-real situations that can be difficult to prevent and handle. Whether you are just starting out in a management role, an experienced software manager, a skilled project manager, or considering going into management, you'll take away valuable tips and techniques for avoiding these seven deadly management habits or handling them with fortitude.

Ken Whitaker, Leading Software Maniacs
The Art of Giving and Receiving--Feedback

When people work closely together, there's bound to be friction and irritation. Some people find it difficult to discuss these issues directly. So they hint and hope or simply procrastinate and don't do anything. Then, the irritation can grow out of proportion. Team members' ability to give peer-to-peer feedback-both about the work and the working relationship-is critical to developing a highly productive team. Esther Derby discusses the four parts of feedback conversations-opening, description, impact, and request-so you can say your piece without breaking the peace within your team. There's an exception to every rule, so Esther also explains when not to use all four parts and reveals the words that you should never use when offering feedback, the words that will always derail the conversation.

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates, Inc.


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