
Conference Presentations

Agile DevOps Shave Mobile Development Time and Cost with Xamarin

By shaving time and cost to build and maintain your app by half, Xamarin—a free, open source framework offered by Microsoft—can revolutionize your mobile application development. Most app development approaches result in building the app twice—once for iOS and once for Android—or...

Dave Todaro
Agile DevOps Move Your Selenium Testing to the Cloud

What is the most challenging aspect of running automation tests? Anshul Sharma believes it is covering multiple browsers and cross-device testing combined with faster execution of tests. The conventional way to do this is by distributing the tests on Selenium Grid, but that comes with a...

Anshul Sharma
Agile DevOps Microservices and Docker: Foundation for a New Generation of Applications

Docker has matured and expanded from its primary use in the build/test stages into production deployments. Similarly, microservices are expanding from use mostly for greenfield web services to use in the enterprise as organizations explore ways to decompose their monolith to support faster...

Avantika Mathur
Agile DevOps Application Resiliency: Keys to Planning for IoT and the Cloud

The technology storms continue to form and merge. The Internet of Things, software-defined everything, blockchain, and cloud computing are combining and recombining in new ways. To provide and consume trusted and resilient services, solutions must be defined and designed to accommodate...

Steven Woodward
Agile DevOps Agile at the Intersection of Mobile, Cloud, and the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) will be a $1.7 trillion market by 2020. Don MacIntyre explains how agile is being used in Internet of Things systems—often combined with mobile and cloud technologies. Don reviews how agile is successfully being used today in a wide range of development...

Don MacIntyre
Agile DevOps Happy and Productive Teams: A Divine Saga

Matti Klasson believes we live in a world where our social networks and relations are becoming more important in everything we do—and this is reflected in our work environment. Social relations and networks within the organization will supersede traditional hierarchical structures.

Matti Klasson
Agile Dev Conference Identify Development Pains and Resolve Them with Idea Flow

With the explosion of new frameworks, a mountain of automation, and our applications distributed across hundreds of services in the cloud, the level of complexity in software development is growing at an insane pace. With increased complexity comes increased costs and risks. When...

Janelle Klein
Agile DevOps Mobile Testing: Challenges and Solutions

Now that we’ve gotten beyond the initial shock and prevalence of mobile applications, we’ve come to realize that it’s not just about making apps work. In chasing the mobile market, we often don’t really understand or choose to ignore the differences in the mobile platform when...

Philip Lew
Agile DevOps From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

Ever since distributed software became popular, developers have been choosing whether to use monolithic architectures or service-oriented architectures. With the advancement of cloud infrastructure and the widespread implementation of agile methodologies, the latter approach has been...

David Litvak
STAREAST Testing Optimize Performance Testing Using Cloud and DevOps

Traditional performance testing practices don't scale when you begin delivering software using cloud computing and DevOps. Troy Marshall shares how Ellucian transformed their performance testing program using the same principles DevOps uses to deliver software. It isn't enough just to...

Troy Marshall


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