Applause | Is the QA Lab Dead?

Is the QA Lab Dead?

Change is coming, and it is waiting for no one. Traditional QA labs cannot keep up with the demands of modern software development—it is too fast, there are too many devices to cover, and each user experience is too different to test against.

Many organizations are opening their pockets to resolve these inefficiencies, but money alone won't solve a traditional lab's shortcomings. Teams must adopt a new philosophy around QA practices.

We've highlighted key steps you can take to achieve QA transformation.

You will learn how to:

  • Increase your testing capacity by 200%
  • Test on more than 2.4 million devices by leveraging real testers
  • Test for omnichannel strategies, and why that’s important
  • Extend the reach of your internal QA team with crowdtesting

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