Better Software Magazine Archive:

Nov/Dec 2011


Move Your Career Forward
By Laura Brandenburg

Often we spend too much time analyzing or agonizing about where to go in our careers and too little time moving forward. This article provides a few practical tips to break out of career analysis paralysis and start taking the steps that will build forward momentum behind your career.

The Half-Life Of Trust
By Lee Copeland

There is definite asymmetry between building trust and destroying trust. While building trust can be complex and time-consuming, destroying trust can be done in one simple instant.

The Three Amigos: All for One and One for All
By George Dinwiddie

Analysts determine what needs to be created. Programmers create it. Testers find the holes in the work of both. That's one way to do it, but all three can collaborate to do these things better, and more easily, too.

10 Thoughts On Technical Debt
By Matthew Heusser

Many people realize that the technical debt spiral is a perverse incentive—it ends up rewarding behaviors we don't want and causing long-term pain. In this article, Matt Heusser moves beyond cliché to talk about how tech debt happens and what we can do about it.

Book Reviews for BAs
By Heather Shanholtzer

Get a head start on your New Year's resolution. Hone your business analysis skills or learn new ones, and make 2012 the highlight of your career.

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