Storytelling in the Age of AI

People are actively engaging in civic tech, social robots are tweeting, and veteran storytellers are capturing stories in new ways using virtual and augmented reality. This explosion of tools, sources, voices, and data is indicative of a new, more collaborative era for storytelling.

Davar Ardalan

Test Data as a Service: Fueling Quality at Speed

Any business that uses technology to interface with or provide service to their customers, suppliers, and partners requires customer-facing applications that have exceptional quality. The assurance of business outcomes must become an imperative for IT professionals.

Michael Puntumapanitch

Testers: The Unsung Data Heroes

Connor Dodge believes that data is the most valuable commodity in the world, and that testers generate some of the most valuable data in product development organizations. Test data can inform release schedules, aid in decision-making, and shape the direction of the product. 

Connor Dodge

Testing AI-Based Systems: A Gray-Box Approach

Testing artificial intelligence- and machine learning-based systems presents two key challenges. First, the same input can trigger different responses as the system learns and adapts to new conditions. Second, it tends to be difficult to determine exactly what the correct response of the system should be. Such system characteristics make test scenarios difficult to set up and reproduce and can cause us to lose confidence in test results.

Yury Makedonov

The Game of Continuous Delivery

The holy grail of a modern QA professional is to achieve high quality while continuously delivering features to customers, and the only way to achieve that mission is via continuous testing and delivery. The most critical step in agile transformation and continuous delivery adoption is identifying the bottlenecks in the product development cycle.

Tanya Kravtsov

The Impact of the IoT: What’s in Store for Testing

No longer just a futuristic concept, the internet of things (IoT) has a strong presence in our world. If your business is not prepared for it, you’re already behind. With the proliferation of connected “things”—devices, appliances, cars, and even clothes—Jennifer Bonine says that the stage is set and IoT mobile apps are here to stay.

Jennifer Bonine

Using Design Thinking to Create Better Test Cases

Designing good test cases can be described as an art. With test cases being written with a focus on business, testers should be part of the discovery and design phase of the project, and the business drivers should dictate test case design. But how can we ensure we are focusing on the user and bringing the biggest value possible in this phase? Larissa Rosochansky will describe what design thinking is, how it relates to the testing methodology, and how to use it in the design phase of your project.

Larissa Rosochansky

What's That Smell? Tidying Up Our Test Code

We are often reminded by those experienced in writing test automation that code is code. The sentiment being conveyed is that test code should be written with the same care and rigor that production code is written with. However, many people who write test code may not have experience writing production code, so it’s not exactly clear what is meant. And even those who write production code find that there are unique design patterns and code smells that are specific to test code.

Angie Jones

What’s Our Job When the Machines Do Testing?

The engineering community is beginning to explore the exciting capabilities of AI in order to remove even more mundane and manual tasks from our jobs. Join Geoff Meyer as he provides a framework for organizations to use when considering the application of AI to tasks within their SDLC.

Geoff Meyer

You, Inc.: Building Your Life's Development Plan

We all spend enough time thinking about the next feature and its development plan. Days, months, and years go by working on things that are a priority for our team and company. But how much time do we spend on discovering what is crucial for us and our own development?

Aprajita Mathur


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