

man in workshop An Agile Software Shop: Spreading Agile Across Departments

In a medium to large software shop, where several groups are involved in the development of a product, implementing an agile methodology may be a challenge.

Rafael Alvarez
man with cloudy glasses The Zero-Defect Vision: Common Sources of Errors in Development

Examine the common sources of errors in product development activities. By being aware of the things we can change in our environments, we can reach our goal of preventing errors. Then, a number of techniques can be employed in order to help teams work towards a zero-defect goal.

Bob Schatz's picture Bob Schatz
Management Myth #1: The Myth of 100% Utilization

Too many managers believe in the myth of 100% utilization—the belief that every single technical person must be fully utilized every single minute of every single day. The problem with this myth is that there is no time for innovation, no time for serendipitous thinking, no time for exploration, and it often leads to a less successful organization.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Empowering Agile Teams

Teams, when truly empowered, will always make better decisions than any one individual. Where can you empower teams as you adopt agile?

Jean Tabaka's picture Jean Tabaka
Taking DevOps Mainstream

In this article, Shawn Edmondson describes how the rise of DevOps can be measured right alongside the rise of cloud in its level of mainstream acceptance. Learn how DevOps takes a common sense approach to development while using agile methodologies and automation at the same time.

Shawn Edmondson
Agile Leadership for Mid-Managers

Len Whitmore explores how the growth of agile changes the roles, responsibilities, and titles of mid-managers more so than any other management group, because agile practices require more leadership and less of what is considered traditional management techniques.

Len Whitmore
man with cloudy glasses The Zero-Defect Vision: Error-proofing Your Way to Quality

Bob Schatz helps you develop strategies to eliminate errors and prevent defects in your product or service.

Bob Schatz's picture Bob Schatz
man with head on keyboard How to Give an Accurate Answer

Scott Ames explains the Test Requirements Agile Metric and offers a real-world example of its use in software estimation.

Scott Ames's picture Scott Ames
Agile Requirements Management with Keith Johnson

Keith Johnson is vice president of product development at Jama Software. in this Sticky ToolLook interview, he discusses some of the changes that agile development has brought to the requirements management process.

TechWell Staff
The Two Metrics that Matter

This article is designed to provide specific steps for understanding your development effectiveness. Getting this right will help move your software development group toward being a true business partner, if it is not already.

Neil Fox's picture Neil Fox


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