continuous integration


Image of lock over code DevSecOps: Incorporate Security into DevOps to Reduce Software Risk

DevSecOps is a growing movement to incorporate security into DevOps practices in order to ensure flaws and weaknesses are exposed early on through monitoring, assessment, and analysis, so remediation can be implemented far earlier than traditional efforts. By failing fast with security testing, organizations reduce risk of a security incident and decrease the cost of rework.

Alan Crouch's picture Alan Crouch
Martin Chikilian Why It’s Critical to Invest in DevOps Right Now: An Interview with Toptal’s Martin Chikilian

In this interview, Martin Chikilian, lead director of engineering at Toptal, digs into current DevOps trends and whether DevOps is just a fad. Martin explains why the gig economy is so big for DevOps, why there are so many unfilled positions, and what continuous concepts mean for software.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
STAREAST 2018 API Testing: How to Write Tests, Integrate into CI, and Track What You're Testing

Some developers and testers think that APIs, whether internally developed or not, should just work. Unfortunately, without a significant amount of focus on testing API services, one little flaw can spell disaster for your application—especially security vulnerabilities where hackers will target your application. Elise Carmichael discusses the risks of not fully testing APIs, how to be sure that all services are tested fully, and the types of negative testing you need to do on APIs. She shows you a method to organize your tests using Postman, a tool for REST web services testing. During this session, Elise and the participants will write some Postman API tests with variables and then execute the tests with Newman, a command line application for running Postman tests that you can include in continuous integration scripts.

Elise Carmichael
STAREAST 2018 Embedding Performance Engineering into the CI/CD Pipeline

A difficult challenge organizations face when adopting continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) is ensuring that every build has been evaluated for performance. Although most organizations do performance testing, how they do it and when they do it define their readiness for deploying in fast-paced environments. Anjeneya Dubey’s team faced similar challenges and found ways to embed performance engineering as part of their CD pipeline. To achieve this objective, they made changes to processes, technologies, and culture. They added non-functional requirements to “normal” requirements and built a performance engineering platform for each API. This platform automates the performance tests, provides a centralized database for metrics, and automatically analyzes pass/fail on builds, based on dynamic thresholds.

Anjeneya Dubey
 STAREAST 2018 Continuous Testing vs. Test Automation: Three Key Differences

The past few years have brought a sea change in the way applications are architected, developed, and consumed—increasing both the complexity of testing and the risk of software failures. Given the trends that impact both architectures (cloud, microservices, and APIs) and processes (DevOps, agile, and continuous delivery), how can software testing keep pace with modern application delivery? Enter continuous testing. Wayne Ariola explores the three main differences between continuous testing and test automation.

Wayne Ariola
Release management Why DevOps Still Needs Release Management

Release management is still critical in a DevOps environment. You likely will just have to change your current process. You will no longer need to track implementation or back-out plans as part of change orders; you just need to be able to track the application, its components, and its promotion schedule. The key to maintaining these change orders is automation.

Adam Auerbach's picture Adam Auerbach
BSE Testing Cultural Intelligence: A Key Skill for Success

Diversity is becoming the norm in everyday life. However, introducing global delivery models without a proper understanding of intercultural differences can lead to difficulty, frustration, and reduced productivity. Priyanka Sharma and Thena Barry say that in our diverse world, we need...

Priyanka Sharma and Thena Berry
BSE Testing Databases in a Continuous Integration/Delivery Process

DevOps is transforming software development with many organizations adopting lean development practices, implementing continuous integration (CI), and performing regular continuous deployment (CD) to their production environments. However, the database is largely ignored and often seen as...

Steve Jones
BSE Testing The Fourth Constraint in Project Delivery—Leadership

All too often, the triple constraints—time, cost, and quality—are bandied about as if they are the be-all, end-all. While they are important, leadership—the fourth and larger underpinning constraint—influences the first three. Statistics on project success and failure abound, and these...

Rob Burkett
BSE Testing Operations in the Continuous Delivery Ecosystem

As development teams move toward a more agile development process coupled with continuous delivery (CD), the role of operations has evolved from a support organization to an integral part of the product delivery ecosystem. Today, operations organizations need to be agile in their feature...

Sumedha Ganjoo


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