continuous integration

Conference Presentations

STARCANADA 2019 Continuous Delivery Requires Radical Changes for Testers

What do testing and quality look like in a continuous delivery world? Who does what and how? Is there still a need for testers, or do developers do all the testing? Is it really possible to achieve quality when you deploy to production many times each day?

Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan
Mainframe Continuous Delivery: A Journey to the Left Side

DevOps and continuous delivery have produced exceptional results in the industry, and most of this success has been in the area of distributed systems.

Timothy Wheeler
The Game of Continuous Delivery

The holy grail of a modern QA professional is to achieve high quality while continuously delivering features to customers, and the only way to achieve that mission is via continuous testing and delivery. The most critical step in agile transformation and continuous delivery adoption is identifying the bottlenecks in the product development cycle. Tanya Kravtsov will describe tools and methods that facilitate that discovery process and explore ways you can use mind maps, innovation games, and more to identify, prioritize, and resolve bottlenecks. You'll learn ways to deal with the most common bottlenecks that cripple development progress: data, environments, and testing. Tanya will share her experiences with combating these bottlenecks and talk about tools and processes that helped her to overcome them.

Tanya Kravtsov
Ship's helm The Agile Advantage for Last-Minute Changes

Companies using heavyweight development processes manage change by limiting or locking down scope, but this has negative consequences for our products and our customers. Agile takes a different approach by recognizing the value of last-minute changes and making it inexpensive and straightforward to make changes to software, even late in the development cycle, using continuous integration.

David Bernstein's picture David Bernstein
Testing feedback loop 5 Key Factors to Achieve Agile Testing in DevOps

Part of the path to DevOps requires adoption of agile methodologies. What does it mean for testing when you switch from the traditional waterfall model, with a few long release cycles per year, to the agile model, with changes occurring every two weeks? Here are five key factors to achieve the agile software testing necessary in DevOps.

Denise Rigoni's picture Denise Rigoni
Branching example Picking the Right Branch-Merge Strategy

A good branch-merge strategy facilitates processes among multiple developers and is the basis for any well-functioning DevOps pipeline that uses continuous integration. Let’s explore branching strategies, merging strategies, and how you can put them together in a way that’s right for your team in order to bring quality features to production faster.

Alan Crouch's picture Alan Crouch
Circle made of arrows Why You Need Continuous Testing in DevOps

DevOps is more than adopting the right set of tools; it's a cultural shift that incorporates testing at each stage of the agile project lifecycle. Continuous testing is key to unlocking this culture change because it weaves testing activities into every part of the software design, development, and deployment processes, which helps everyone involved communicate more, collaborate better, and innovate faster.

Tom Alexander's picture Tom Alexander
Using Agile and DevOps to Achieve Quality by Design Using Agile and DevOps to Achieve Quality by Design

When software nears completion, it is the wrong time to focus on quality. Product delivery improves if you invest in a plan, validate in small increments, and focus on continuous testing.

Michael Sowers's picture Michael Sowers
Fighting Test Flakiness: A Disease that Artificial Intelligence Will Cure

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making it possible for computers to diagnose some medical diseases more accurately than doctors. Such systems analyze millions of patient records, recognize underlying data patterns, and generalize them for diagnosing previously unseen patients. A key challenge is determining whether a patient's symptoms and history are attributed to a known disease or other factors. Software testers face a similar problem when triaging automation failures. They investigate questions like, Is the failure due to a defect, environmental issue, or nondeterministic test script? Is there current or historical evidence to support one belief over another? Join Tariq King as he describes how test failures and flakiness can be modeled for machine learning (ML) as causal disease-symptom relations.

Tariq King
STARWEST 2018 Agile Performance Testing in the Real World

Performance issues substantially impact quality, cost, and customer confidence. Agile teams are challenged to build in performance processes throughout the lifecycle, but it is critical to incorporate performance into your CI/CD pipeline. Join Amit Patel as he shares his recent project experiences and the steps his team took to change processes, leverage different technologies, and align internal stakeholders. He explains how they use production-monitoring solutions to create a real-world production feedback loop in order to ensure they can analyze data and turn the information into actionable defects. As part of this, his team created process and procedures to execute performance tests on a regular basis and pass/fail builds based on thresholds. Join Amit to learn how to build a successful production feedback loop, align internal stakeholders, and implement holistic performance engineering.

Amit Patel


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