Conference Presentations

A Survey of Approaches for Test Automation

This paper will help you understand approaches to test automation that have worked, identify some common requirements for success, determine which contexts favor the different approaches, contrast benefits and risks of using different product interfaces (GUI, API) for automation, and how to select a test automation architecture suitable for your project.

Bret Pettichord, Pettichord Consulting
Software Test Automation 2003: Implementing a Test Automation Framework

This paper will teach you the keys to test automation success and tell you how to design test library architectures. Also discussed are the pros and cons of using test automation tools.

Linda Hayes, WorkSoft
Load and Scalability Testing: Automation Issues and Solutions

This paper discusses how to assess system performance, response time and throughput, how to test the ability of a system and its supporting infrastructure to handle loads and stresses, how to test system robustness and the capability to recover from errors, how to test systems for scalability, and how to automate performance, load, stress, and robustness testing.

Ross Collard, Collard and Company
Software Test Automation Fall 2003: Test Automation on a Shoestring

Shoestring automation can help your team identify viable solutions that are available at the lowest possible price. It's also important to know what commercial tools are available for use and understand when you're better off using them. This paper provides a list of guidelines to use to help you decide if this approach is right for your project.

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
Revolutionize Your Automation with Application Maps and Keywords

This article details the directory structure of KWA (Keyword Architecture). The benefits of using KWA are also discussed.

Dion Johnson, Pointe Technology Group
The Generations of Test Automation Tools

This paper discusses the first three generations of software test automation and introduces the fourth generation of software test automation: model-based test automation. The benefits of using test automation are also covered. A list of acronyms and a glossary of testing terms is also included.

Mark Blackburn, Software Productivity Consortium
Building a Flexible Automated Testing Architecture

This paper discusses implementing the right test automation strategies for your team.

Jack Harris, Washington Mutual Bank
Three Paradoxes of Test Automation

This article discusses the three test automation paradoxes. They are: bugs in automated tests, automated regression testing, and trusting developers to help test. It also explains why not taking them seriously often leads to unreliable test suites.

Bret Pettichord, Pettichord Consulting
TestCafe: A Vendor Independent Test Execution Controller

This article gives examples of modular test design diagrams. It also discusses why using a custom test execution controller for your network project will benefit your team.

Jeff Feldstein, Cisco Systems Inc
Action Word Based Test Automation: A Case Study

In this article you'll discover how to guide your organization toward more sophisticated testing, learn what the team roles are in a test automation effort, and learn how to do test automation with a small team and readily available technology. The author also discusses automated testing methodologies.

Scott Frastaci, St Jude Medical CRMD


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