
Software tester and prolific author Jon Hagar The New Ways to Break Mobile and Embedded Software: An Interview with Jon Hagar

With more than thirty years of experience in software, Jon Hagar brings a wealth of knowledge to our community, and he shares a great amount of it in his new book, Software Test Attacks to Break Mobile and Embedded Devices. Jon sat down with us to discuss the true future of testing.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Better Software magazine editor Ken Whitaker An Interview with Better Software Magazine Editor Ken Whitaker

We'd like to introduce the newly appointed editor of Better Software magazine, Ken Whitaker. Ken has a long history in software and is a great addition to the team. If you're interested in writing for Better Software, drop Ken a line. His contact info can be found in this interview

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Software programmer Iris Classon So You Want to Become a Developer? An Interview with Iris Classon

Iris Classon explains her decision to become a software programmer and shares the amazing amount she was able to learn in a very short period of time. Learn how agility played an invaluable role in the process and how you, too, can achieve software success.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Agile software tester Aaron Barrett Keep Agile Testing Agile: An Interview with Aaron Barrett

In this interview, Aaron Barrett gives advice that any QA team working with agile testing can utilize. Aaron covers everything from the importance of finding the definition of done to keeping collaboration from getting combative.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
HP's Kelly Emo on the Power of Automated Testing with Agile

HP's Kelly Emo discusses why test automation is on everyone's minds these days, yet might not always be the answer people are looking for. Kelly shares how test architects and properly built test management can give your team and project the best chances for success.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
A Firsthand Agile Transition Success Story: An Interview with Penny Wyatt

In this interview, Penny Wyatt discusses her Agile Development Conference West session, "Transform Your Agile Test Process to Ship Fast with High Quality," to share some of the ways she and her team achieved success, and how they—and you—can continue to develop and grow together.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Jeff Payne Security Testing in an Agile World: An Interview with Jeff Payne

Jeffrey Payne sat down with Noel Wurst to discuss a range of topics, including advice for teams that are attempting agile for the first time, the importance of clear communication between teams, and the ways that security testing has changed alongside modern technology.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
The Evolution of the User Experience: An Interview with Genefa Murphy

Creating a rich UX for mobile apps has gone from being a nice feature—to an absolute must. Genefa Murphy at HP discusses how agile development that incorporates collaboration between designers, developers, and testers goes a long way in building the apps that truly succeed in today's marketplace.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Derk-Jan de Grood Kanban's Visual Efficiency: An Interview with Derk-Jan de Grood

Derk-Jan de Grood explains how those who have yet to embrace kanban can experience the efficiency and communication-building that the practice brings to development teams of all sizes. After defining what "efficiency" means to him, Derk-Jan explains why he's the fan of kanban that he is.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Matt Barcomb suggests some patterns for team collaboration From One Expert to Another: Matt Barcomb

Janet Gregory and Matt Barcomb are presenting "Patterns for Team Collaboration: Toward Whole-team Quality" at the Agile Development Conference West 2013. In this interview, they discuss the value of patterns and the meaning of "whole-team quality."

Janet Gregory's picture Janet Gregory


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