Better Software Magazine Articles

The Truth About Exploratory Testing

Forget what you thought you knew about exploratory testing. Dion Johnson is disturbed by its exploitation by those who wish to escape accountability and forgo up-front planning, but says that exploratory testing and scripted testing can work together to enhance quality practices.

Dion Johnson's picture Dion Johnson
Books Are Tools, Too

One of the most important tools a tester can keep on hand is a book, whether it contains instructions for a new method or is a reference for an old favorite. This Tool Look contains one tester’s take on the book "Fit for Developing Software" by Rick Mugridge and Ward Cunningham.

Sidney Snook
Time for New Test Ideas

Testers are quick to think about speed when testing, but there are many other time-related guidewords that can help broaden your test coverage as well. Michael Bolton suggests a few guidewords to get you started.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
The Demise of Record/Script/Play

Is the Record/Script/Play method of automated testing ready to take its final bow? What will the next generation hold? Linda Hayes reflects on the past changes in automation, inspects the current situation, and offers her vision of the future.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
From Primitive to Prominent: The Past, Present, and Future of Automated Code Analysis

Automated code analysis tools are becoming more powerful and more necessary than ever before. Alberto Savoia takes a look at the evolution of static and dynamic code analysis tools, from their humble beginnings to their present status as indispensable technology, and tells us what he predicts for the future.

Alberto Savoia
Test Patterns: Nine Techniques to Help Test for a Greater Variety of Bugs.

Building on his earlier columns covering James Bach's Heuristic Test Strategy Model, Michael Bolton delivers nine techniques--each of which affords a different way of modeling the product--to help you test your systems for a greater variety of bugs.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
A Look at Command Line Utilities

There are some large and complex tools out there for testers, but the ones Danny Faught uses most often are small and conveniently accessed by way of a simple, old-fashioned command line user interface.

Danny R. Faught's picture Danny R. Faught
Tester PI: Performance Investigator

Finding avoidable, show-stopping problems when performance testing late in a project is, unfortunately, not uncommon. But Scott Barber says you can save time and money on your software development projects by investigating performance early and validating performance last.

Scott Barber's picture Scott Barber
Stress Testing - What a Load!

People often ask software quality specialist Scott Ames how they can increase stress in their projects. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, he responds with some steps that are guaranteed to increase the overall stress on people and projects.

Scott G. Ames
Maintaining Your Course

What does maintainability mean to you? Michael Bolton discusses the different elements of this often-overlooked attribute of software projects and what it means as a guideword heuristic to rapid testers.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton


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