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SAFe Integration Patterns: Scaling with Continuous Collaboration[presentation]

“Going agile” at a fifty-person startup is easy; at a 5,000 person ISV it’s impressive; and in a Fortune 500 company it’s often a nightmare. At large scale, the sheer number of legacy systems, stakeholder specific tools, and governance processes can turn even a simple agile deployment...

Jeff Downs, Tasktop Technologies
Requirements and Acceptance Tests: Yes, They Go Together[presentation]

The practice of software development requires a clear understanding of business needs. Misunderstanding requirements causes waste, slipped schedules, and mistrust. Developers implement their perceived interpretation of requirements; testers test against their perceptions. Disagreement can...

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
Integrate V&V within Scrum: How Does That Work?[presentation]

Scrum is an iterative, incremental framework for delivering business value. It is not a Verification and Validation (V&V) approach. So how do we merge Scrum and V&V when a product must be subjected to formal V&V activities? How do we plan V&V work, incorporating it into a...

Kathryn Aragon, Sandia National Laboratories and Julie Bouchard, Sandia National Laboratories
Better Software Conference West 2015: Making Numbers Count: Metrics That Matter[presentation]

As testers and test managers, we are frequently asked to report to stakeholders on the progress and results of our testing. Questions like How is testing going? may seem simple enough, but the answer is ultimately based on our ability to extract useful metrics from our work and present...

Mike Trites, PQA Testing
Better Software Conference West 2015: Lean Software Development Is for Everyone[presentation]

Lean software engineering emphasizes continuous delivery of high quality applications. Ken Pugh explains the principles and practices that form the basis of lean software development―concentrating on developing a continuous flow by eliminating delays and loopbacks; delivering quickly by...

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
How Agile Can We Go? Lessons Learned Moving from Waterfall[presentation]

How agile are you? Once you jump off the waterfall and drink from the agile pool, there will probably be varying opinions as to the state of the organization’s agility. Some will be concerned that they are not agile enough; others will think they are agile while still adhering to old...

Max McGregor, Venafi
Building on Existing Infrastructure for Mobile Applications[presentation]

In 2013 Farm Credit Services of America (FCSAmerica) wanted to enter the mobile application arena so their customers could manage their FCSAmerica lending accounts. Anthony Carlson explains that in the previous thirteen years, FCSAmerica had built an SOA infrastructure for internal...

Anthony Carlson, Farm Credit Services of America
Teaching Pointy-Haired Bosses to be Agile Enablers[presentation]

Ryan Ripley says that Scrum failures can often be traced back to management not understanding their role in an agile world. What gets managed during an agile project? How is success measured? Will I keep my job in the transition? Managers have all these questions and more during an agile...

Ryan Ripley,
Prevent Test Automation Shelfware: A Selenium-WebDriver Case Study[presentation]

Eid Passport had a suite of Selenium tests with a bad reputation—difficult to maintain, broken all the time, and just plain unreliable. A tester would spend more than four days to get through one execution and validation pass of these automated tests. Eid Passport was ready to toss these...

Alan Ark, Eid Passport
Continuous Testing: A Key to DevOps Success[presentation]

As IT organizations adopt a DevOps strategy, continuous testing (CT) becomes a key ingredient of the DevOps ecosystem. CT enables faster release cycles, more changes per release, upfront isolation of risks, and reduced operations costs. The approach to scale the traditional automation...

Sujay Honnamane, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Innovation for Existing Software Product: An R&D Approach[presentation]

In the world of software, innovating an existing product often makes the difference between continued success and rapid irrelevance and failure. Although innovation can come from many different sources, it can be difficult to develop breakthrough innovations while simultaneously...

Aaron Barrett, Infusionsoft
Building Agile Teams in a Global Environment[presentation]

Many organizations use teams spread worldwide to develop valuable business applications. These organizations expect the teams to work as one harmonious unit without missing a beat—or should we say, a story point. A few organizations do it well; many not so well. Betsy Kauffman and Oscar...

Betsy Kauffman, Agile Pi and Oscar Rodriquez, Agile Pi
A Wearables Story: Testing the Human Experience[presentation]

Testing wearable devices is fundamentally more complex than any other mobile device. Wearables become extensions of us, so testing should focus on the total user experience—the emotional, physical, and sensory reactions including the biases and mindset of the wearer. It involves testing...

Gerie Owen, Eversource Energy and Peter Varhol, Technology Strategy Research
Overcome DevOps Adoption Barriers to Accelerate Software Delivery[presentation]

Many organizations want to create systems delivered in a DevOps framework with diverse services implemented via API building blocks. Chris Haddad says that people, processes, and tools often hinder a team's ability to comply with security policies, streamline collaboration, and rapidly...

Chris Haddad, WSO2
Requirements Are Simply Requirements—or Maybe Not [presentation]

People talk about requirements, use identical terms, and think they have a common understanding. Yet, one says user stories are requirements; another claims user stories must be combined with requirements; and another has a still different approach. These “experts” seem unaware of the...

Robin Goldsmith, Go Pro Management, Inc.


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