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Better Guess-timating

What is "guesstimating" anyway? How could it be fair to ask an agile project manager and her team to estimate an agile project in traditionally managed organization. Senior management often expects detailed and "accurate" estimates as early as during project initiation because at this point projects are funded and budgets controlled. For the agile project, this estimation exercise could easily turn into estimation paralysis.

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Gartner Mid Size Enterprise 2007 - Live Agile Project - Cyber Korp / Paul Smith

In this episode at the Gartner Mid-Size conference, Bob Payne speaks with several folks from Cyber Korp and Paul Smith of ATA Airlines about his experience participating in a Micro Agile Project.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Lean-Agile Traceability: Strategies and Solutions

For some lean/agile practitioners, the idea of maintaining traceability among different development artifacts is nonsense. There are times, though, when traceability is required and other times when it's highly valuable. We need to develop a value mindset of transparency in our processes and approach so that traceability requirements can be satisfied with minimal effort.

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Retrospectives Help Teams Inspect and Adapt

Retrospectives are a great way for teams to inspect and adapt their methods and teamwork, and they're a great way for teams to build on success and learn from hard times. Retrospectives take a critical look at what happened during an iteration (or part of a project) without being critical of people. But not everyone realizes that, says Esther Derby, so in this column she outlines how to approach retrospectives in the most productive way.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
Agile2007 - Segundo Velasquez - Mano a Mano - CodeGreen Labs

Segundo Velasquez takes a minute to sit down with Bob Payne to discuss a variety of topics in this informative podcast. Segundo and Bob were both attending Agile 2007 when they took the time to record this great conversation.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Balancing Skills For Agile Team Success

Often, our agile teams are made up of junior and senior people. Some of these people tend to be more domain focused, such as understanding financial services, while others are more engineering focused, with expertise in software architecture and programming languages. While this mix is generally beneficial from a synergistic point of view, it can also create friction during development - friction that requires active management attention and a proactive balancing of the relative quot;skills scales.quot;

John Puopolo
Behavior-Driven Development: An Evolution in Software Design

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is not a revolution in software design, but rather an evolution in how we software engineers think about program design. In this article the author introduces Behavior-Driven Development, explore the rationale behind it, and introduce Open Source tools—some new, some familiar, that you can use to get you started.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Three Levels of Leadership Agility

New, in-depth research shows that people move through distinct stages or levels as they become agile leaders. At each new level, managers gain new capacities that make it more natural for them to lead in an agile manner. This article outlines three levels of leadership agility and shows how managers at each level of agility lead projects, lead teams, and engage in pivotal conversations. It ends with a few pointers about ways to assess and develop your own level of leadership agility.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Challenging Why (Not If) Scrum Works

Agile works. Early adopters, working largely by instinct, have seen good success. To go to the next level, instinct alone is not enough. As we face more complex and uncertain environments, as we face the need to scale to the enterprise, we need to apply intelligence and knowledge, guided by experience. Knowledge about why Scrum works.

Al Shalloway's picture Al Shalloway
Agile2007 - Dave Thomas - I finally speak with Smalltalk Dave

Dave Thomas aka "Smalltalk Dave" was kind enough to join Bob Payne for this podcast while the two of them were both attending Agile 2007. These podcasts are a great way to get the inside scoop to what many of the world's popular conference speakers really feel about the topics that matter most.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne


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