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High Performance Agile Teams: An Overview of Collaboration

Any team benefits from being highly collaborative. This is especially true in agile development, where the techniques for rapidly building quality software rely on communication and relationships over documentation and process formality. Yet the agile community doesn't have a common definition for what “collaboration” is

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The Renaissance of Paper for Agile Software Development

Fast cars, flat-screen television, high definition gaming consoles, and dual core processor equipped laptops: the amenities of modern technology rule us. Computers are an integral part of our lifestyle and work-life, and many people define themselves by their choice of tools to complete tasks. Those interested in implementing agile frameworks are no exception, often voting to use electronic tools before exploring alternatives. This article is meant for the open-minded, ready-to-explorer surrogate who is not afraid of being a low-tech hippie in times of high-tech espresso machines.

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Community Developed Builds for the Agile Developer

Agile development is a process methodology where, at its core, is the ability for developers to share and test changes in software as rapidly as possible in an efficient but disciplined approach. The Continuous Build process is based on manual scripting and therefore is highly redundant and non-adaptive. Continuous Builds that rely on redundant scripts become road blocks for agile teams when attempting to move quickly from code to deployment. Agile developers must recognize the problems of manual scripting and begin moving toward a non-redundant Community Developed approach to managing the Continuous Build. 

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Fast, Automatic Builds: the Agile Heartbeat

I think that the person most affected by the introduction of agile or extreme programming techniques is not the software or quality assurance engineer, but the build manager. Agile techniques are a throwback to the age when developers were able to work on small projects in small teams. Each developer once again concentrates on small building blocks of code and integrates regularly with other developers to ensure that the overall software project is progressing. For developers, agile techniques are a natural fit because they reflect how developers like to work best: on small, manageable pieces of code with regular feedback. However, even though developers are working on small sections of code, their overall projects are now large and continually growing. And it's the large body of code that the build manager is expected to work with, not the manageable chunks. While daunting, this precipitous increase in builds can be managed by carefully implementing continuous integration and making fast, automatic builds the quot;heartbeatquot; of your agile development.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Breaking the Major Release Habit: Introduction to the Hyper Agile Methodology

Getting Started with Agile Development

Damon Poole, AccuRev Founder and CTO, discusses the keys to, and challenges of, Agile development.

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What's Your Project Vision?

Clarify the fuzzy front end of project planning by focusing on the overall vision. In this column, Johanna Rothman says clear project vision helps everyone involved in the project move forward better and more smoothly than a detailed project schedule. She also explains how to write succinct project visions in three simple steps.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Agile 2006 - J.B. Rainsberger - XP Day, A Fire Alarm and Buffalo Jerky

Joe Rainsberger, the publisher of JUnit Recipes, talks about his work with XP Day around the globe.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
How Do You Think?

What are the attributes of a good tester—of a great tester? As every test manager knows, identifying the right people for a test team can be a struggle. In this column, Fiona Charles describes the qualities of mind she looks for in testers, and the interview questions she asks candidates so that she can evaluate how they think.

Fiona Charles's picture Fiona Charles
Lean Metrics for Agile Software Configuration Management

Taking an lean-agile slant on metrics for configuration management, the authors focus on ways to measure the value CM and SCM adds to the project and product and how to measure flow and waste.

Agile 2006 - Steve Adolph - Agility in the Art of War ... a dissertation

Steve Adolph talks about his research and finds some very interesting agile analogies in war fighting, traditional project success and cultures of success.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne


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