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Agile-Lean Software Development Does Application Lifecycle Management Help Agile-Lean Software Development?

In a Forrester’s report, The Changing Face Of Application Life-Cycle Management, nearly one-third of enterprises are already using application lifecycle management (ALM) processes and tools, and almost half are aware of it But in conversations with user companies, we find that even those familiar with the term are often hard-pressed to define it.

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My Manager Thinks I'm Holding Her Hostage

You don't need to look any further than to your coworkers to see how many different personalities and work styles are in effect. Despite the differences, certain predictable behaviors occur between staff and management when personalities clash. Jonathan Kohl defines a few managerial behavioral anti-patterns that could undermine your project. He also sets the ground work for ways to improve the relationship between staff and management.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl
Agile DC - Washington DC's regional agile conference - Bob Payne

Agile DC - Washington DC's regional agile conference - Bob Payne

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Building Team Trust, Front to Back

Trust is more than a feeling. In a project, it is something that can be grown from careful planning and development of good requirements. Ellen Gottesdiener describes three types of trust which can be built from good requirements and team management.

Ellen Gottesdiener's picture Ellen Gottesdiener
Repaying the Happiness Debt—with Interest

The pace of production depends on the capability of those at work. When an increase in profit is desired, production is sped up. Yet those forced to work faster aren't necessarily more productive. Unhappily experienced at being forced to work harder and faster resulting in less productivity, Clarke Ching found a way to slow down expectations and increase productivity.

Clarke Ching's picture Clarke Ching
PaloozaDC 2010 - Richard Cheng - Agile in the federal space.

PaloozaDC 2010 - Richard Cheng - Agile in the federal space.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Is "Agile Methodology" an Oxymoron?

Explore the differences between a process and methodology and why neither process nor methodology should be used to label and encapsulate agile-lean product (system-software) development.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Collaborative Risk Analysis for Release Planning

Release planning is more than just stuffing the highest ranked stories into iteration buckets. To be meaningful the whole team needs to participate. Lightweight risk management techniques are not orthogonal to an agile approach They can help proactively address previously hidden concerns and the planning process benefits all-around from shared dialog on release-impacting risks.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
"Dear Agile" – A Love Letter

Dear Readers,

Writing or receiving a break-up letter can be fairly daunting or shattering, depending on which end of the letter your name appears. That letter puts a pretty hard stop to a relationship. It’s communicating detachment and finality. It can create a lot of pain whether intended or not. In contrast, a love letter is uplifting. The endorphins fly! Someone is revealing their attraction for you, and their hopes and wishes for a future with you.


TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Integrating Performance Testing into the Agile Development Process

One of the key purposes and benefits of Agile development processes (“Agile”) is that they emphasize working software as the primary measure of progress. To ensure that the current state of the software is working, every iteration includes unit and acceptance testing.

Many organizations report that, following the adoption of Agile, the quality of their released systems has been improved.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor


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