STAREAST 2006 - Software Testing Conference

"How to Build a Better Test Script" with a Component-Based Approach
Do you dream of having a centralized, modular set of test script steps or "components" that you can link together many times in multiple test scripts to create end-to-end fully automated tests? If so, join Jeff Roberts as he lays out, step-by-step, the real-life method his company has used for the past four years to do just that. With a database of script components, they write functional test scripts more quickly and, as the software changes, update them more efficiently. |
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A Balanced Scorecard Approach for Assessing Test Value and Success
Internal test metrics--test progress, defect density, and TPI/TMM measures on process improvement-do not reveal the complete picture of test value and success. By comparing common test metrics with those found in the Balanced Business Scorecard--financial, customer, internal, and learning/innovation metrics-we see the need to also report financial and customer measures. Some of these measures are quantitative (such as profits), and others are more qualitative (for example, customer satisfaction). |
![]() Isabel Evans, Testing Solutions Group Ltd |
Acceptance Testing: What It is and How To Do It Better - in Context
When test engineers use the term "acceptance testing," they might be saying and thinking profoundly different things. Acceptance testing can mean one of at least a dozen approaches to the testing of a product and serve one or more of at least thirty different customer roles in a project. Tests and testing approaches that are appropriate in one context can be unacceptable-even disastrous-in another. When someone asks you to do user acceptance testing, what should you do? When should you do it? How do you determine success? |
![]() Michael Bolton, DevelopSense |
Agile Software Development: What's in it for Testers?
Agile software development methods change the ways teams work together to build software systems. Testers often are wary of what these changes will mean to them. However, experience shows that testers stand to benefit significantly from agile practices. In fact, testers who are willing to embrace agility with the rest of their project team can expect greater influence, productivity, confidence, and career growth potential. |
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Automated Setup and Tear Down of Complex, Multi-tier Test Configurations
Many software test and development teams struggle to test systems with complex set-up steps and multiple configurations. With these interdependent software systems, testers must iterate through very large, multi-dimensional test matrixes (for example, permuting front-, middle-, and back-tier platforms) to complete the test requirements. Testers have the difficult and sometimes seemingly impossible task of duplicating failures and saving the system’s state for later analysis and debugging. |
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Build Rules: A Management System for Complex Test Environments
Due to the interaction of many software components, there is increased complexity in testing today's software solutions. The problem becomes especially difficult when the solution includes combinations of hardware, software, and multiple operating systems. To automate this process, Steven Hagerott's company developed "Build Rules," a Web-based application with inputs from their build management and test execution systems. Using logical rules about the builds, test engineers define the characteristics of the build solution points. |
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CMMI Level 5: How Our Test Organization Got There
Achieving CMMI® Level 5 Capability as an independent test organization takes a tremendous effort. However, achieving CMMI® Level 5 or a lower level compliance is not out of your reach. Join Kristen Bevans as she describes how the IBM Global Test Organization team successfully completed a formal SEI CMMI® Level 5 SCAMPI Class A appraisal as an independent test organization. |
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Code Coverage: Where Does it Fit?
Many organizations use code coverage almost religiously in their testing. Just as many or more organizations do not use code coverage or have tried it and stopped. If you want to begin using code coverage for the first time or improve its value and usage within your team, come hear what Dale Brenneman has to share. Using real-life examples, Dale explains the value of code coverage analysis as part of a comprehensive test plan and the potential side effects when you do not use code coverage. |
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Credibility: Your Key to Success as a Test Manager
For test managers and testers, credibility is everything. Without credibility, people won't take you seriously or believe your findings. There are very specific and achievable things every test manager can and should do to make sure the information conveyed to stakeholders is accurate and reliable. Randall Rice talks about the credibility factors you need to exhibit for success: knowledge, attitude, objectivity, accuracy, trust, and attention to detail. |
![]() Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services Inc |
Deal Me In: Playing the Mangage Your Manager Game
We all have managers above us with whom we must deal-and how we deal with them requires skill and practice. To be successful and help a team be its best, you, as a test manager, need daily practice at managing your manager(s). Using an "arms length" viewpoint of gaming, Jon Hagar examines seven situations in which you may need to win in order to get what you want and what your team needs. But not all games can be won or at least not in exactly the way we might want to win them. |
![]() Jon Hagar, Lockheed Martin |