

Team How the Scrum Guide Update May Affect Your Team

This article presents the author's view of what you need to reflect on and consider changing when using Scrum based on the November 2020 update to the Scrum Guide. It lists the changes and clarifications that affect each team or role defined in the Scrum Guide.

Vic Bartash's picture Vic Bartash
What are the best Agile conferences in 2021?

I'm looking for a great Agile conference or training to attend in 2021 that focuses on Scrum. I'm an Agile Coach in a software organization.

Gayla Nader's picture Gayla Nader
How do I address story writing and slicing challenges?

I would like to get some expert opinion on the following product environment in terms of story writing and story slicing. Suppose if we have an enterprise product and many clients would be onboarding to the product in different timelines of deadlines with customized extra features than the basic product. As many clients are getting onboarded with more unique customized features and the overlap is in place, the Product owners are getting challenges in writing the story which enriches the base product that fits our system and slicing the stories into smaller units that fit into the 2-week sprint for the clients. What would be your suggestion or approaches on these sort of situations to address the story writing and slicing challenges?

Krishnan K's picture Krishnan K
Project management which on is best certification PMP or Prince 2

Project management which on is best certification PMP or Prince 2

Nikhil  Raj's picture Nikhil Raj
Winning 8 Winning Qualities of a Scrum Master

A good leader keeps everything in order. In this fast-paced era where agile methodologies have become a more often used framework, a good Scrum Master is what is needed. But what makes a good Scrum Master? 

Dan Martin's picture Dan Martin
Lessons as a Proxy PO

Sometimes a challenge can be turned into an opportunity. When our team learned that the business needed to pull their popular Product Owner to focus on another team, a sense of panic set in. There would be a job search that could and did take months. Who would help the team on their path to creating value in the interim? How would we operate? Over time, what seems to be a negative turn of events was turned upside down. 

Vic Bartash's picture Vic Bartash
Agile team all putting their hands in for a high five How to Nail Agile Collaboration and Build Better Products

The rapid rate of technological change is forcing enterprises to reinvent themselves and provide more flexible approaches, so agile transformations are key. However, knowing that agile is important is one thing, but the ability to properly implement the main principles, tools, and techniques of agile is another. Let’s explore time-tested agile principles that will help your organization build innovative products that customers love.

Matthew Chen's picture Matthew Chen
Ryan Ripley What Is Scrum?: A Conversation with Ryan Ripley

Ryan Ripley, professional Scrum trainer at, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about what Scrum is, some of the most common Scrum antipatterns, and the importance of connecting your Scrum team with your customer. Continue the conversation with Ryan and Owen (@owen) on the TechWell Hub (!

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
Members of a Scrum team discussing backlog items for the next sprint 18 Questions to Ask for Better Backlog Refinement

Refinement is time spent during the current sprint discussing and elaborating product backlog items so that they are ready for future sprints. Unfortunately, many teams do not unlock the full potential of refinement. Backlog items should be sliced, and a solution should be proposed, reviewed, and discussed. If your team is having trouble getting started, here are 18 questions you can use to trigger refinement discussions.

Derk-Jan de Grood's picture Derk-Jan de Grood
Tech support representative at a desk with several computer monitors How to Implement an Agile Methodology into Tech Support

Tech support is notorious for having a bad reputation about their service, both on the receiving side and the serving side. Fortunately, the situation is improving, particularly in innovative organizations that are adopting an agile approach to tech support. Agile is helping customer service teams prioritize tasks, collaborate, and continuously improve. What can you do to be agile in your organization’s tech support?

Ashley Wilson's picture Ashley Wilson


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