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Hackers think differently, have strange goals, and will relentlessly "test" your software for security bugs.

Herbert Thompson, Peoples Security
Executable Documentation[presentation]

Why is so much project documentation outdated and worthless? Simply put, the real value is in the final product; so, that’s where the money goes. Wouldn't it be nice if your documentation actually reflected the functionality in the system?

David Hussman, DevJam
That's Not Right! Using Fit to Prevent Business Rule Defects[presentation]

Sophisticated applications involve huge numbers of detailed domain business rules.

James Shore, Titanium IT LLC
Scrum: Roadmap for Implementation (Part 2)[presentation]

With quite a few successful agile implementations under his belt, Hubert Smits guides you through the steps for implementing Scrum in an organization.

Hubert Smits, Rally Software Development
The Impact of Poor Estimating - And How to Fix It[presentation]

The team, running Scrum by-the-book for three months, was continually failing to meet its delivery dates. As a result, trust between the business managers and the team degraded almost to a point-of-no-return.

Mitch Lacey, Ascentium Corporation
Organizational Patterns: The Foundations of Agile[presentation]

Organizational patterns describe the inner-workings of organizational structures. These patterns are the foundation for agile competence and take you far beyond basic out-of-the box methods to provide deeper insights into agile.

James Coplien, Nordija A/S
Climbing the Decision Tree: Reaching High Quality Team Decisions[presentation]

When teams "go agile," members of the whole team take on greater responsibility for thinking and deciding as a unit.

Diana Larsen, FutureWorks Consulting
API Design for Testability[presentation]

Many who try to unit test their applications-whether using agile or traditional methods-quickly find that doing a thorough job can be difficult if the code was not designed with testability in mind.

Roy Osherove, Team Agile
Agile Development Practices 2007: Agile Software Testing Strategies[presentation]

Test automation is like exercise. We know both are great ideas, but most of us don't do much of either.

Jared Richardson, Agile Artisans
Scrum: An Introduction (Part 1)[presentation]

Scrum is the most popular agile project management method today. Hubert Smits illustrates the basics of this method based on his experiences in implementing Scrum in many organizations.

Hubert Smits, Rally Software Development
Agile Development Practices 2007: Agile Development and its Impact on Productivity[presentation]

An agile approach can deliver recognizable value to organizations. Using examples from recent projects, David Garmus demonstrates that software development projects can benefit from using the agile methodology when appropriate.

David Garmus, David Consulting Group
Agile Development Practices 2007: Making People and Processes Congruent[presentation]

Agile processes work better if developers and customers have specific aptitudes and attitudes, such as the ability and willingness to handle rapid change.

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
Using the Theory of Constraints to Coach Agile Teams[presentation]

Even as a large number of teams are adopting agile methods, some teams are finding this transition to be a big leap.

Naresh Jain, ThoughtWorks Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Behavior Driven Database Design[presentation]

In Behavior Driven Development (BDD), you write behavioral tests of an application just-in-time, one test at a time to express its design. You can take a BDD approach to a database schema in the same way.

Scott Ambler, IBM Rational
Agile Development Practices 2007: Refactoring: Where Do I Start?[presentation]

Since Martin Fowler completed his now-classic work Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, few programming practices have been more effective-and more controversial-than refactoring.

JB Rainsberger, Diaspar Software Services


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