Engineering an Enterprise Selenium Framework

Brian Kitchener, Pearson eCollege

Manipulating a web page is only the beginning of test automation. A large test automation suite contains an enormous amount of information about a system. Creating and maintaining such a system can be a nightmare if done incorrectly. If you don't have a feature-rich test automation framework, you're making your life more difficult than it needs to be. Drawing on his years of experience, Brian Kitchener discusses the benefits and pitfalls of engineering an enterprise test automation framework using Selenium. He discusses overall design schemes, common problems and solutions, and shares specific code examples you can take back with you. Leave knowing how to quickly establish a framework, create hooks and provide features to your entire organization, determine the basic features any automation framework should have, and identify some potential problems to avoid. A great framework helps everyone in your organization create cleaner, stronger, and more reliable tests.

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