agile Questions

I would like to publish an article in this AgileConnection. Please let me know the procedure for it.

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I have a customer who is not mature in Agile. He is thinking of using agile methodology to migrate several open source collaborative software/platforms to a single identified platform.

His is thinking that migration team is ready to learn and carry out migration at the same time? Is tghis a good idea? Is there any case studies or tips on using agile methodologies for migration projects and which methodology?


Thanks in advance

In my research study, I need to identify the list of key features of user story management tools that can be used to support agile development. So far, I identified the following general groups of features: User role modeling and personas support, User stories and epics management, Acceptance testing support, High-level release planning, Low-level iteration planning, and Progress tracking. Each group contains some specific features, e.g., support for story points, writing of acceptance tests, etc.

Please help me elaborate the list by posting your list of such features, such as those that you've already used as part of a user story management tool, or those that you'd like to see in the software tool you use. Do you find some features more important than the others? Many thanks in advance! 

Ususally agile development is used for new or geenfield projects but what if this development is used for existing or brownfield projects. What issues could agile development team face while working with exisiting project?

By Hannah Foster - September 20, 20131 Answer

How do you go about planning the delivery for the year when you work with agile projects? I work in a supplier capacity and need to be able to roughly estimate deilvery dates for projects across the year and understand capacity. I'm new to agile as I've been working with waterfall and that does work easily with scheduling across multiple teams for the year. I'd appreciate any advice anyone could give.

Now a day lots of Open Source Agile tool available in the market but i am confuse which Scrum Web Tool i use? i suggest some tool



2.Scrum Backlog Tool


From the Agile Meetup with Johanna Rothman.

From our recent Agile Meetup with Johanna Rothman.


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