The Latest
Thinking About People, Process, and Product: A Principle that Works at Work[presentation] All projects involve the three P's: people, process, and product. People includes everyone who influences the project. Process is the steps taken to produce and maintain software. Product is the final outcome of the project. |
Dwayne Phillips, U.S. Department of Defense
A Practical Framework for Software Measurement[presentation] Measurement is often defined in terms of collecting data, distinguishing it from analysis-the interpretation and use of data. Clearly, the collection of data must be driven by its intended use. |
David Card, Software Productivity Consortium
A Force for Change-Using Resistance Positively[presentation] When we try to improve our organizations, we inevitably encounter resistance. This presentation describes how to turn resistance into a resource. |
Dale Emery, Sun Microsystems
Launching a Web Development Team[presentation] Based on a real-life case study, learn how one Fortune 500 manufacturing company-with four development groups in two locations-created a flexible and cost-efficient Web development solution to meet the needs of an expanding business. |
Thomas Vlasic, John Deere Co.
Organization: The Forgotten Dimension[presentation] Explore the software project manager's actual, perceived, and desired position in an organization. |
Mark Servello, Change Bridge, Inc.
Predictive Metrics to Estimate Post Project Costs[presentation] How much will it cost to support your software project based on current estimations? |
Geoffrey Facer, Intel Corporation
Three Numbers to Measure Project Performance[presentation] We present a method which produces at any time during the execution of a big software |
Thomas Liedtke and Peter Paetzold, Alcatel
From Zero to 100: Project Metrics in an Investment Bank[presentation] Metrics collection, interpretation, and data quality always present a challenge to organizations. In the midst of an ever-increasing organization such as Goldman Sachs, the need for comprehensive metrics has become a top priority. |
Barry Young and Arun Banerjee, Goldman Sachs and Co.
Better Testing-Worse Quality?[presentation] Many organizations react to quality issues encountered after shipping a product by renewing their emphasis on testing. The logic is that better testing would have resulted in better software. |
Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
B2B and B2C Software Project Management—So What's Different?[presentation] Learn how to understand and address the unique and not so unique aspects of Internet-based business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) project development. |
Rick Smith, ObjectSpace, Inc.
Predicting Software Errors and Defects[presentation] This paper introduces a fault model that predicts the number of errors and defects throughout the development cycle. |
Mark Criscione, Motorola
Success Factors and Measures in Outsourced Application Development[presentation] Today's e-conomy is creating higher time pressures than ever in application development. Many organizations are responding to the deadline pressures and backlogs through partnering. |
Michael Mah, QSM Associates, Inc.
Put Your Power to Work![presentation] Power is the ability to create value. If you want to create more value in your organization, you must learn to tap the abundant resources of power. |
Dale Emery, Sun Microsystems
Metrics: Giving the Answer to the Right Question[presentation] What metrics are you going to give me? This is the type of question managers ask their QA analysts at the start of each project. |
Kenneth Paczas, Compuware Corporation
Process Improvement in Large Organizations: Walking the Maze[presentation] Every problem-solving activity in an organization requires some learning. Both the stakeholders and the |
Nynke Fokma, Moebius Consultancy and Erwin van der Bij, Lucent Technologies